Favorite restaurants in Sorrento (Inn Bufalito and Il Buco)


We spent 4 nights in Sorrento and our two favorite meals were in at Inn Bufalito and Il Buco.

Inn Bufalito is a casual but modern setting with handsome young waiters who were also very willing to provide assistance in navigating the menu and answer any questions we might have.



For a starter I ordered the ricotta cheese served with chestnut honey which was delicious and a ton of food!  Definitely shareable.  Stephen and Lauren shared a plate of different kinds of cheeses – all were delicious, again a large serving.


Considering we were at a restaurant with Bufalito in the name Michael and I shared the buffalo steak which was served sliced, similar to tagliata, my dad had buffalo stew and Lauren had buffalo carpaccio – everything excellent.  For dessert we shared a “nut cake” which always sounds so boring in english but when listed in italian as torte di noci is a better description of what this delicious cake was!


The next great restaurant was Il Buco.  I had read great things about it.  It is a bit expensive so we decided to save it for our special dinner on Easter Sunday.  It is a beautiful old stone building where you walk down into the main dining room.  Stunning with curved stone ceilings.


The service was exceptional  – charming, helpful and absolutely no airs despite the upscale food and decor.  One thing that was particularly nice about this restaurant is that there were no problems if someone wanted to order the three course tasting and someone else the five course tasting and others just an appetizer or main.  With six of us with varying tastes and appetites this was really helpful.  Dinner began with an amuse bouche for all of us.


I started off with the beef tartare and carpaccio with a quail egg, which was served with small cubes of foie gras – all of my favorite things.


Then I had the scallops which were cooked to perfection with a fabulous bright green sauce on them.


Stephen had the three course tasting menu, Michael the five course and he ate every bite!  Lauren had the carpaccio/tartare and the Rumble fish (turbot) which she loved!






They served an amuse bouche dessert which was enough for me


– but did enjoy a few bites of Stephen’s ricotta cake.


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3 responses to “Experiencing Aqua Alta in Venice”

  1. Congratulations!
    Cityoftheweek has nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! 🙂

  2. […] due to aqua alta (read more about our aqua alta experience here), the water taxi could not come to the hotel dock, but it was just a minute or so walk to where the […]

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