Why We Travel – Dreams Do Come True
There are many reasons why we started traveling abroad with our kids. To “see the world”, experience other cultures, see things we had read about or seen in movies and eat amazing food. But there was one other reason as well. I wanted to be sure my kids were not apprehensive or intimidated about studying abroad if that was what their dream would be to do. When I was in college I had some interest in studying abroad, but having never traveled abroad I was fearful of the experience, and not sure my parents would have supported the idea. Admittedly, 25 years ago it was not as common to study abroad and there were not as many programs as there are today. In addition, most programs were a year long, which can seem daunting. Today, most colleges and universities have extensive study abroad programs with opportunities all over the world. Also, most programs now are only for one semester which seems more doable for many students.
Either way, Lauren knew when she starting applying to colleges that spending a semester abroad was a must. When looking for schools she made sure they had good study abroad programs and when the time arose for her to apply to study abroad she jumped at the chance. The good news is she just left last week to study abroad in Rome!! Despite the fact that her international flight from San Francisco to Frankfurt was cancelled 2 hrs before it was scheduled to leave, she handled the challenge well. She is now living in Rome, taking classes, sipping cappuccinos, eating pizza and gelato, and enjoying her new adventure! Dreams do come true!!
2005, 2006 and 2013 – Always throwing those coins in the Trevi Fountain so she will return!
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